Decompression Therapy
Dr. Northcutt utilizes the latest and most effective in Therapeutic Cervical Traction techniques. Pictured to the left is the Hill Cervical Device which eliminates all pressure on the chin during the cervical traction procedure. Soft pads are used to cradle the occipital area for maximum comfort and therapeutic effectiveness. Massaging rollers also helps relax your taut muscles which normally are not found on old fashion traction tables, thus more effective treatment can be administered.
Question: What is Decompression Traction?
Answer: It is a way of inducing passive motion into the spine for the purpose of stretching spinal joints, increasing mobility. Question: How does Decompression Traction work? Answer: The patient lies face up on a bench table which has roller-type cams beneath its surface. Special straps are used to localize the specific areas of the spine to be decompressed. Rollers can slowly travel the length of the spine further assisting in stretching spinal joints. |